Having had stamps for 75th and shorter anniversaries, Royal Mail have now plumbed the depths of the entertainment media stamp circus by producing a set marking 20 years of the Harry Potter "wonderful wizarding world".
18 October: Royal Mail have announced yet another "problem with supply": the PSBs will be shipped "after 26th October". You would have thought that they had ordered these early enough from the printer. Maybe there were errors in the make up, like with the Shirley Bassey PSB.
The Special Stamps focus on the Battle of Hogwarts and the characters as they appear in the later films - both good and evil. Fan favourites Harry, Hermione, Ron and Lord Voldemort feature, alongside members of Dumbledore’s Army and the Order of the Phoenix, as well as Lord Voldemort’s followers and Death Eaters. Presenting these characters as they appear in the later films, these Special Stamps have a darker tone, which those who have grown up with the franchise will recognise and enjoy.
All the stamps are 1st class.
The full list of characters featured on these special stamps are: Ron Weasley, The Weasley Twins, Minerva McGonagall, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback, Scabior, Lord Voldemort, a Death Eater, Severus Snape, Alecto Carrow, Draco Malfoy and Gregory Goyle.
Set of 10 x 1st class Harry Potter stamps issued 19 October 2023.
The wizarding world is also full of fascinating creatures and beings – six of whom feature on the issues Miniature Sheet. From Aragog, the Acromantula king, to the big-eared, big-hearted house-elf Dobby, the full set also includes Harry’s beloved owl Hedwig, Fawkes the phoenix, Buckbeak the hippogriff and Hermione’s cat Crookshanks.
Miniature sheet of six x 1st class Harry Potter 'Creatures and Beings' stamps issued 19 October 2023.
Technical details
The 37 x 35 mm stamps are printed by Cartor Security Printers in litho on gummed paper in 2 sheets of 50, 10 se-tenant strips of 5, perf 14 x 14.5. Designed by True North. (c) Royal Mail Group Ltd. The 192 x 74 mm miniature sheet is printed by Cartor Security Printers in litho on self-adhesive paper. Stamp Sizes: Hedwig and Aragog: 60mm x 21mm, landscape (p 14.5); Dobby: 27mm x 37mm, portrait (p 14); Crookshanks and Buckbeak: 41mm x 30mm, landscape (p 14.5 x 14); Fawkes: 35mm x 35mm, square (p 14.5).
Acknowledgements: WIZARDING WORLD characters, names and related indicia are © & TM Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s23)
Prestige Stamp Book (£25.25)
The Prestige Stamp Book is a 24-page book on Harry Potter and The Battle of Hogwarts. Inside we explore the seven Horcruxes Harry, Ron and Hermione set out to find and destroy to bring an end to Lord Voldemort’s immortality and destruction, leading ultimately to the final duel with the Dark Lord himself.
The book contains, as usual, the 10 special stamps plus the six stamps from the Miniature Sheet, all perforated as stamp panes within the book. There is also an additional pane of definitive stamps (numberd pane 2 in our documentation), which unique to the Harry Potter Special Issue. This contains 2 x 20p, 2 x 50p and a £2.20 definitive stamp (£3.60 in total). It is expected that they will be coded M23L MPIL.
Print: The stamp set panes (1 & 5) are printed in litho and PVA gummed. The minisheet panes (3 & 4) and the mixed definitive pane (2) are printed in litho and are self-adhesive.
UPDATE 29 NOVEMBER: In a demonstration of just how little interest there is in these on of my customers has - nearly two months after issue - drawn my attention to the image shown of Pane 1 which is missing the King's head and value! This is the pre-release image provided by Royal Mail and they got it wrong. Obviously the actual panes do have both features otherwise they could not be used as stamps. The same wrong image is also used on Royal Mail's website shop pages.
Harry Potter prestige stamp book covers and panes (click on images to enlarge.) The white blocks will accommodate the retail barcode and FSC Certificate.
Scan of actual definitive pane from Harry Potter PSB - click to enlarge.
Collector Sheet
As usual with stamp issues like this there is also a Collector sheet which contains all 10 sheet stamps with labels attached, all printed self-adhesive so making them different to the actual sheet stamps. (Details as above)
Harry Potter self-adhesive collector sheet (£12.50)
Fan Sheets
Again, as is often the case, this issue has fan sheets - as if the whole thing isn't aimed at fans anyway. Three fan sheets priced at £7.50 each in an edition of 5,000. The Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort sheets are gummed, the Dolby fan sheet is self-adhesive making the stamps the same as issued in the regular form.
Harry Potter Fan Sheets (click to enlarge each image).
Standard ProductsSet of 10 stamps, miniature sheet, presentation pack, first day covers x 2, prestige stamp book, collector sheet, fan sheets.
Additional Products
A limited edition prestige stamp book pack (only 5000 at £49.99) includes a set of six 'spells and charms' postcards, which come with features only seen under ultra-violet light. Six iridescent ink spells and charms are featured on the pages of this limited edition book - I presume this is the text pages, rather than the stamp panes.
A souvenir art print folder (run 5000 at £24.99) contains ten high quality enlarged prints of the Harry Potter Special Stamps, each with its own stamp affixed and unique handstamp*, perfect for displaying. It also features a Creatures and Beings enlarged miniature sheet print and an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. (* As far as I can see this is a cancellation but not a postmark, and will not be available for first day covers etc.)
Others: medal covers, stamp packs (containing either 10 'good' or 10 'evil' stamps), press sheet of 12 miniature sheets, framed products, Harry Potter 24 carat gold (plated) stamp ingot (£49.99), Harry Potter 24 carat gold (plated) miniature sheet (£149.99).
These products are available on the Royal Mail website.