Blog Reference Pages

Thursday 7 February 2019

February slogan postmarks

My thanks to BM for the first of this month's slogans.  Other slogans in different forms (and any other unusual postmarks) will be added in due course.

Bicentenary of the birth of John Ruskin, Victorian Art Critic, used at South East Anglia on 5 February 2019.  As the anniversary marked is 9 February (why '09' in the postmark?), one can assume that this will run for a few days but no others have been reported yet.

Victorian art critic
John Ruskin
Born 200 years ago
09 February 2019

Thanks to KC for the alternative layout from Swindon Mail Centre, with the more usual date format.

What may be only the start of Royal Mail's Valentine's Day campaign dropped on Norvic Towers doormat today, from Peterborough Mail Centre dated 7 Feburary 2019.

"Whatever our souls are
made of, his and mine
are the same"
- Emily Bronte
Happy Valentine's Day!

UPDATE 12 February
A different slogan has now appeared from Chester & N Wales MC on 8 February 2019


Update 14 February
Scans from MB show that both these slogans were still in operation on 12th and maybe 13th February (2nd image).
Emily Bronte from Edinburgh, unnecessarily on a contract mail envelope 12-02-2019
Happy Valentines Day from North West Midlands, possibly 13/02/2019, overlaying Edinburgh Bronte.
Clearer Valentines from NW Midlands on 12/02/2019.

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