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Monday 22 May 2017

Slogan postmarks for May 2017

After the rush of postmarks during March and April there have been very few special slogans during May and most offices are using a Postcode slogan or in some cases the Stroke Support slogan.

Mental Health.
A couple of weeks ago I received a letter from a customer which had a new slogan, but we have had very few reports of this.  All are from the same type of machine:

Royal Mail
Mental Health
Awareness Week

here from Plymouth and Cornwall MC 08.05.17

also seen from South East Anglia on 11.05.17, but from Sheffield on 10.05.17 without the Royal Mail logo.  (This one from the Stampboards forum.)

Christmas Stamp Design Competition
As I reported earlier this year's Christmas stamp issue will once again include a pair of stamps designed by schoolchildren.  Back in 2013 each of the winners was separately identified by their personalised postmark, but this year there is only one.  The first one reported is fromthe ILSM at Romford Mail Centre 19.05.17 but not very clear.  A better one from Southampton MC is on 20.05.17.  (Thanks to JG and RS for the images.)

Congratulations to the
24 Finalists of
Royal Mail's 2017
Christmas Stamp
Design Competition

Thanks again to JG for this one from the Peterborough MC iLSM machine 20-05-2017

Another version on the Jubilee iLSM has a similar layout to that on the IMPs

Update 31 May: RW has sent this image of the reversed-format slogan from a square envelope:

I was looking for a full list of the finalists, but all I can find is a list of local finalists 5 for each of the 24 regions.  If you search Google news, you can see some of the designs.

A customer in Glasgow told us of a report in a local newspaper about a special postmark marking

East Kilbride
70 years of 
Scotland's first
new town

although he wasn't able to get a copy locally.  MG provided this scan, confirming that the postmark was used nationwide but only on mail addressed TO the area, as shown here from Lancashire and South Lakes on 05.05.17

RS reports late use of the National Stationery Week slogan (remember, that was 24-30 April), used in Bristol Mail Centre on 15.05.17

It seems that Royal Mail has a new charity partner, so we should soon see slogans declaring their association with "Action for Children", replacing that linking them to The Stroke Association.

Not much left of May now, but still time for more slogans, so let us know what you find and we'll report them here.

1 comment:

  1. The Post on the website for the 30th Anniversary of the payroll giving scheme does mention their new charity partner as being Action for Children. It’s strange that they don’t carry an image of the mock up, but maybe the graphic is a clue


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